Sunday, January 10, 2021

Last But Not Leashed

Alexandra Otto
 The Bethlehem Writers Roundtable 2020 third place winner is Alaskan Alexandra Otto’s “Last But Not Leashed” about the House of Showdogs (H.O.S), a dog grooming service and pet spa, which fronts for the world’s greatest known Human Obediance School (H.O.S.). Operative Max, a German Shepherd and former CIA dog, must determine if Labradoodle Shasta’s owner Amy is covertly acquiring a cat. Not only is Max an intrepid investigator, but he has some interesting techniques and tools at his disposal. Is Amy sneaking off to the Cat Palace? Can Max keep Shasta’s life cat-free? Check out the delightful antics at:

Monday, January 4, 2021

Cosway's Confidence


This quarter, my second place award-winning story, “Cosway’s Confidence,” appears in the Bethlehem Writers’ Group Roundtable. The BWR has an annual short story contest. In 2013, my “Long in the Tooth” won third place (as determined by celebrity judge Hank Phillippi Ryan). 2020’s celebrity judge was Spencer Quinn (also known as Peter Abrahams). My story inspiration came from Maggie, my friends’ ferret, and a small eatery, with a floor brass plate opening to the lower level. What happens when the cafe owner interviews a potential employee with imaginary support ferret while the brass plate is open? Here’s the link: