Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Magically Maligned

Consider from the perspective of that forgotten fairy godmother, who arrived late to Sleeping Beauty's christening.

So Easy to Displease, Part One by Paula Gail Benson

How much trouble could it be,
To prepare for an unexpected fairy?
Their protest that they thought me dead,
Left them with something horrific to dread --
A death sentence upon the new baby!
When? Who knew? Wait and see.
My spell, once cast, could not be rescinded,
However, a meddling godmother tried to mend it.
Rather than death, the kingdom would sleep,
Waiting for a true love to creep
Through the brambles and past the slumbering,
To cure with a kiss the family’s bumbling.
In a hundred years, they’d awake in joy
To celebrate the curiosity of an intrepid boy.

© Paula Gail Benson, all rights reserved

Monday, February 18, 2019

Witches of the Woods and Waters

Here are the thoughts of two witches, one who imprisoned Rapunzel and the other who made a deal with the Little Mermaid.

The Vexing Hexers by Paula Gail Benson

Malignancy blooms best in darkness,
Fostered by starkness
Producing rage.
If fury rises to the surface,
Generated by an internal purpose
An impending eruption is difficult to gauge.

When my garden was invaded
My anger was abated
By an infant given to me.
I hid her in a tower
Hoping to keep her in my power
But our seclusion was not to be.

I lingered in the depths of the ocean,
Plotting with minions and potions,
Waiting ‘til the mermaid sought my spell.
But, magic comes with a price,
And mine wasn’t so nice,
Depending on the story you tell.

© Paula Gail Benson, all rights reserved

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Here's to the Troublemakers!

In this month of hearts and flowers, when amorous relationships are celebrated, let’s not forget those who help drive the lovers into each other’s arms: the villains or at least those whose malevolent motives cause the chaos the charmed couple must surmount to be together. February’s Drabble (100 word stories) of “Ferreted Out Fairy Tales” feature the “Malicious Menacers,” beginning with the step families in Cinderella and Snow White’s sagas. Oh, and to keep the spirit of the month, the February Drabble will be in rhyme!

 The Steps’ Laments by Paula Gail Benson

What should have been our dream come true,
Was marred by you--adorable you!
We thought ourselves so very smart
To wheedle our way into his heart.
But, when we arrived in your world,
Our fury ignited and anger unfurled.
Next to you--favored, pampered, prized--
We dwindled to nothing in his eyes.
Seeking to displace your favor
Gave us diabolical thoughts to savor.
Cindy and Snow, soon you came to realize,
How much your presences were despised!
Yet, whether worked to the bone or driven away
Somehow your influence continued to stay,
Regretfully, even to this day!

©  Paula Gail Benson, all rights reserved

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bouchercon Dallas Bill Crider Short Story Prize

I’m delighted Carol Puckett and Kendel Lynn of the Bouchercon Dallas committee asked me to be the Contest Coordinator (with James M. Jackson serving as Submissions Coordinator) for the inaugural Bill Crider Prize for Short Fiction, to be awarded by Hank Phillippi Ryan at Bouchercon this October. The contest offers significant monetary and scholarship prizes, and the final round will be judged by Janet Hutchings (editor of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine) and Linda Landrigan (editor of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)! Here is the link to find the details. Deadline is March 1, 2019, and theme is “Deep in the Heart.”